
73 enregistrements
Nom Prénom Social Université E‑mail Thème de la thèse Directeur /trice Année de soutenance
ACHKHANIAN Joanna UNIGE E‑mail Phytochimie et Pharmacologie clinique Prof. Jean-Luc Wolfender
Prof. Youssef Daali
AEBISCHER Megane UNIGE E‑mail Using multidimensional liquid chromatography for the analysis of pharmaceutical compounds Davy Guillarme
Serge Rudaz
BEJUY Olivia UNIGE E‑mail Investigating the use of chemokine analogs in targeted radioligand cancer therapy strategies. Prof. Oliver Hartley
Prof. Valentina Garibotto
BENNANI Yahia UNIGE E‑mail Pharmacologie et toxicologie cliniques Youssef Daali
BORY Alexandre UNIGE E‑mail Discovery of new natural product active against Gram-negative bacteria Prof. J-L Wolfender 2026
BRITO Maëlis UNIGE E‑mail Developpement d’une plateforme nanotechnologique ophtalmique dans la prévention et le traitement de la DMLA Gerrit BORCHARD
Vincent BOUDY (Paris, FRANCE)
CAILLER Sami UNIGE E‑mail Impression 3D de médicaments Professeur Pascal BONNABRY
Professeur Farshid Sadeghipour
CHEHADE Carla UNIGE E‑mail Genetic and environmental factors in CYP3A modulation: Implications for ophthalmology and steroids Pre. Caroline Samer
Dre. Hana Abouzeid
CHIBA Rim UNIGE E‑mail Pushing back the limits of mass spectrometry top-down sequencing of modified nucleic acids Prof. Valérie Gabelica
COUMAU Aude UNIGE E‑mail Pharmacogénétique en officine Cjasjka Chantal
Chin Eap
COUMAU Claire UNIGE E‑mail Sécurisation de la prescription et réconciliation médicamenteuse en gériatrie Chantal Csajka 2025
DA SILVA Célie UNIGE E‑mail New strategies for integrating Omics data from multiple sources Serge RUDAZ
DALOUADI Meryem UNIGE E‑mail design and synthesis of potential TFR1 inhibitors Pr. Leonardo Scapozza
Dr. Sebatien Tardy
DHIF Yassine UNIGE E‑mail Cockpit intelligent pour la gestion des ruptures d'approvisionnement : combinaison des données logistiques et cliniques Professeur Pascal Bonnabry 2027
DONATI Filippo UNIGE E‑mail Characterization of anti-FMNL1 autoantibodies and their role in Membranous Nephropathy Prof. Leonardo Scapozza
Dr. Marco Prunotto
DUCREY Eloïse UNIGE E‑mail Molecular Pharmacology Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska
ESCAITH Mathilde UNIGE E‑mail Développement et implémentation de deux prestations en officine afin de soutenir la transition des soins à la sortie d’hôpital et la gestion des médicaments à domicile par les patient.e.s Pr Farshid Sadeghipour
Dr Jérôme Berger PD-MERc
FEBRER MARTINEZ Pedro UNIGE E‑mail Understanding and Modelling Cryptic Binding Pockets for Biology and Drug Discovery Francesco Luigi Gervasio
FESER Raphaël paul UNIGE E‑mail Biomolecular and Pharmaceutical Modelling Francesco Luigi Gervasio
FIAULT Mathis UNIGE E‑mail Applied metabolomics for toxicology studies in cancer Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska
Serge Rudaz
GARIN Paul UNIGE E‑mail Développement et évaluation d'outils et de prestations visant à optimiser la continuité des soins à la sortie d'hôpital Prof Pascal Bonnabry
Dr Anne-Laure Blanc
GEZER Emre UNIGE E‑mail Pharmacognosy Prof. Muriel CUENDET
GIANNONI Othilie UNIGE E‑mail Les nouvelles pédagogies appliquées au domaine de l'ETP Pr Pascal Bonnabry Dr Liliane Gschwind-Tran
Pr Benoit Allenet
GODOT Coralie UNIGE E‑mail Implémentation de la téléconsultation médicale assistée dans les pharmacies d’officine du canton de Genève Pre Marie Paule Schneider 2028
GONZALEZ FERNANDEZ Paula UNIGE E‑mail Synthesis of polymers and their application as nutrient carriers for osteoarthritis stem cell therapy
GUBALA Jakub UNIGE E‑mail Drug mixtures for a treament of cancer Prof Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska 2027
HAEMMERLI Paola UNIGE E‑mail Phytochimie Jean-Luc Wolfender
Emerson Ferreira Quieroz
HALMI Aya UNIGE E‑mail Stabilization of mRNA formulations Gerrit Borchard
Olivier Jordan
HANKE Anton UNIGE E‑mail Computational Biophysics for Drug development
HAUSMANN Emilie UNIGE E‑mail New ways to use 5-aminolevulinic acid for the treatment and diagnosis of cancer Prof. Norbert Lange
HOSOTTE Camille UNIGE E‑mail Etude exploratoire sur le développement d’une poche de perfusion durable Pr Farshid Sadeghipour
JABER Bilal UNIGE E‑mail Doctorat ès sciences en Sciences de la vie des Facultés de médecine et des sciences ; mention Sciences Pharmaceutiques Professeur Farshid Sadeghipour
PD Dr. Jérôme Berger
JACOBS Sacha UNIGE E‑mail Overcoming Endothelial Cell Anergy with optimized drug combinations in melanoma Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska
KRAUER Natascha UNIGE E‑mail myCare Start project: implementation science and service evaluation (Phase B) Pr Marie Paule Schneider Voirol
KRIFA Soufiene UNIGE E‑mail Développement et évaluation d’outils digitaux à destination des patients pour améliorer la continuité des soins Professeur Pascal BONNABRY
Docteure Laure-Zoe KAESTLI
LE BLOC'H Ferdinand UNIGE E‑mail Doctorat en pharmacie pratique dans le domaine de la pharmacie d'urgence et de catastrophe Pr Pascal Bonnabry
Pr PD Nicolas Widmer
MAJCHRZAK Oliwia Barbara UNIGE E‑mail Functional polymer-mediated microRNA delivery systems for treatment of breast cancer Prof. Gerrit Borchard
Dr. Olivier Jordan
MANI MALLIKA Arjun UNIGE E‑mail Ion mobility of oligonucleotides and peptide-based therapeutics Prof. Valérie Gabelica 2028
MARET Estelle UNIGE E‑mail Metabolomic approaches for the discovery of new biomarkers of cytochromes P450 activity Pr Youssef DAALI
Pr Caroline Flora SAMER Pr Aurélien THOMAS
MELIKOV Aleksandr UNIGE E‑mail Mass spectrometry-based biophysical studies of how small molecule ligands affect G-quadruplex/protein interactions Prof. Valerie Gabelica
MERMILLOD Céline UNIGE E‑mail Optimizing ocular drug delivery Prof. Yogeshvar Kalia 09.2029
MERZOUK Yasmina UNIGE E‑mail Impact of endogeneous steroids on the anti-tumor immune response. Prof. Carole Bourquin 1 avril 2028
MIÉVILLE Valentin UNIGE E‑mail Molecular pharmacology Prof. Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska
MONTORFANI Elisa UNIGE E‑mail Investigating the mechanism of action of CEMIP and its implications in glomerular diseases Prof. Leonardo Scapozza
Dr. Marco Prunotto
MORICI Luca UNIGE E‑mail Pharmaceutical technology Eric Allémann
Olivier Jordan
NEY GONZALEZ David UNIGE E‑mail Analysis of leachables and extractables in a hospital pharmacy setting. Farshid Sadeghipour 2029
NGUYEN Nathalie UNIGE E‑mail Analyse de cytotoxiques et d'autres composants hospitaliers à haute valeur ajoutée. Serge Rudaz
Pascal Bonnabry
PANCHENKO Ivan UNIGE E‑mail Development of formulation strategies for the sustained delivery of biotechnology-derived therapeutics. Yogeshvar Kalia
PINTO Laeticia UNIGE E‑mail Targeted topical administration of anti-infective agents to the skin, eye and buccal mucosa Prof. Yogeshvar Kalia 2025
PURWAR Pragallabh UNIGE E‑mail Role of Hydrogen sulphide in the immune response to cancer Prof. Carole Bourquin 2028
RAMOS BARROS Alcidia UNIGE E‑mail Development and characterisation of adjuvanted nucleic acid-based vaccines Prof. Gerrit Borchard
RATSIMALAHELO Noémie UNIGE E‑mail Sécurisation de la médication des patients aux interfaces de l’hôpital par un modèle interprofessionnel de conciliation médicamenteuse Farshid Sadeghipour
RODRIGUES LOURENÇO Telma UNIGE E‑mail Role of Seryl tRNA Synthetase (SerRS) in Cancer Progression and Metastasis Leonardo Scapozza
Prof. Xiang-Lei Yang and Prof. Jing Yang
ROGEBOZ Paul UNIGE E‑mail New approach for a comprehensive assessment of the potential toxicity of food products and their constituents based on advanced cell-based assays and metabolomics Prof. Jean-Luc WOLFENDER
Dr. Emerson FERREIRA QUEIROZ Dr. Maricel MARIN-KUAN (Nestlé Research)
ROSSIER Benjamin UNIGE E‑mail Formulation of drug delivery systems for topical and systemic applications Prof. Eric Allémann
Prof. Yogeshvar Kalia
SANTOS Beatriz UNIGE E‑mail Continuité des soins pharmaceutiques en milieu communautaire / literatie en santé Pr. Marie-Paule Schneider Voirol 2026
SCAPOZZA Plinio UNIGE E‑mail Improving natural products diversity for drug discovery by fungal enzymatic secretome biotransformation Dr.Emerson Ferreira Queiroz
Dr. Katia Gindro
SCHELKER Cindy UNIGE E‑mail Application of multi-drug combination in novel drug delivery systems in cancer treatments Patrycja Nowak-Sliwinska, Gerrit Borchard
SHAMURATOVA Karima UNIGE E‑mail Implementation of a new model of care for supporting adherence in people starting a new medication for a long-term condition (myCare Start project) - an implementation-effectiveness science study Professeure Marie P. Schneider 2028
SOBOCIŃSKA Joanna UNIGE E‑mail Lung cancer treatment Prof. Muriel Cuendet 2027
SOLH DOST BODEN Léa UNIGE - adhésion thérapeutique et interprofessionnalité - transitional care in hospital discharge Marie Paule Schneider
STRASSEL Oriane UNIGE E‑mail New analytical methods for the relative and absolute quantification of biomarkers of exposure, a multi-targeted approach Pr. Serge RUDAZ
Dr. Julien BOCCARD
SÜESS Camille UNIGE E‑mail Development of Methodology for Patient Stratification and Efficacy Evaluation of Novel Adenosine Receptor-Targeting lmmunotherapy Prof. Leonardo Scapozza
SYAFITRI Erga UNIGE E‑mail Investigating the cutaneous distribution of natural products and small molecules following topical application of formulations for dermatological indications Prof. Yogeshvar Kalia
April 2027
TROUDI Rayan UNIGE E‑mail Effets des technologies de l'information dans le circuit des médicaments Pr Pascal Bonnabry
Dre Olivia François
TSALMPOURIS Athanasios UNIGE E‑mail Innovative analytical strategies for the detailed characterisation of mRNA drug products Davy Guillarme 2028
TUFEU Maxime UNIGE E‑mail Understanding the delivery of RNA-based therapeutics and developing methods to improve bioavailability and efficacy Pr Yogeshvar Kalia
Dr Christophe Herkenne
ULIVI Gianluca UNIGE E‑mail Synthesis and Evaluation of new 5-ALA derivatives
VOUILLAMOZ Tess UNIGE E‑mail Understanding and improving protein delivery for local and systemic therapeutic applications Pr. Yogeshvar Kalia
WANG Leqi UNIGE E‑mail Intestinal drug delivery Yogeshvar N. Kalia 2025
WANG Xiaoxiao UNIGE E‑mail Molecular therapeutics delivery
ZINGG Albane UNIGE E‑mail Mechanistic studies of a compound active in multiple myeloma. Muriel Cuendet